Kevin E. Acevedo Jetter


Personal Website main page

This website was created using only HTML and CSS. More information about my Personal Website, including the source code, can be found here.

Spotify Data Analysis

Spotify song format

Created a script which analyze the all-time data of your Spotify account. More information about this project, including the source code, can be found here.

Mail Merger

people.txt example

Using the smtplib and email.message modules, created a Python script that can send personalized emails. More information about this project, including the source code, can be found here.

Mastermind Game and Solver

mastermind game example

Implemented the board game of Mastermind and will create a solver which uses the Five-guess algorithm. More information about this project, including the source code, can be found here.

WhatsApp Chat Formatter

Formatted Chat Example

Takes in a txt file that contains the exported chat of a WhatsApp conversation and divides it by categories into a csv file. More information about this project, including the source code, can be found here.

Text to Ascii Art

Acevedo Jetter ascii art example

Using figlet.js, created a script that makes ascii art with the input text. More information about this project, including the source code, can be found here.